*_2024-2025 Cumberland Riflemen Membership Fees and Capital Improvement Funds must be postmarked by September 30, 2024._*
From October 1, 2024 until October 31, 2024, the membership fee becomes $160.00 which includes a $10.00 late fee.
From November 1, 2024 until November 30, 2024, the membership fee becomes $200.00 which includes a $50.00 late fee.
If your check is not received by December 1, 2024 you will be stricken from the roles of membership of the Cumberland Riflemen.
No further notice will be forthcoming regarding membership fees.
Go on our *_website ( <>)_*, print out the *_”new” existing members form_*, follow instructions which include, * *_Fill out form completely_*, including your *_Gate Swipe Number_*, Include a *_check for $150.00 made out to Cumberland Riflemen,_* include*_proof of NRA Membership_* which can include a copy of your mailing address from you NRA Magazine. *_Mail to;_*
*/John Patten/* */CRI/* */114 Cedar Ave./* */Clayton, NJ. 08312/* */ /* *Upon receiving your letter, I will send you a receipt and your new membership sticker dated 9/30/25.*
Thanking you,
*/John Patten/* */CRI Executive Officer/* */ /*