
Latest News


    The yearly membership fee for September 2025 to September 2026 has been increased to $200. This increase was done as a result of increases in our property taxes, liability insurance, utility bills, New Jersey sales tax on Membership fees, as well as other monthly bills needed to operate the range. A new membership renewal form…

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  • December 2024 Newsletter

    The Dec. edition of the Cumberland newsletter has been posted on line.Please take time to read this newsletter, as there is a lot of work put into this, and a lot of good information. Go to www.cumberlandriflemen.org and you’ll see the drop-down menu in the green box in the upper right corner of the home…

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    The entire range complex will be closed From December 9th to December 14th and will reopen on December 15th. It will be closed during this time for Shotgun Deer hunting. Please do not enter the range during the closure. Jim McGarry President CRI

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News Archive


Cumberland Riflemen is a private outdoor shooting range located in Cumberland County, South Jersey. Our ranges are generally accessible to Club members only, though most organized Events are open to the public. We are proud to host one of the longest rifle ranges in New Jersey at 600 yards. Several other pistol, rifle, and multi-use Ranges are available for member use 51 weeks of the year (closed for deer season). If you’re interested in becoming a member, please review the info available on our Membership page. Pistol and rifle shooters are invited to attend our many Events that are open to all shooters. For aspiring young shooters, read more about our Junior Program.

All members, member guests, and shooters attending organized events are required to abide by the Rules of Range.

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A Little Club History

During the spring of 1964, a small group of N.R.A. rifle and pistol shooters, tired of being chased out of gravel holes used as shooting ranges, located a piece of property off Route 49, West of Union Road. This gravel hole and surrounding property belonged to the Smith Brothers’ roofing family. A meeting with the Smiths was arranged, and permission to establish a shooting range was granted. By verbal agreement, the founders of the Club agreed to pay the taxes on the land. Consisting of 108 acres, deemed undeveloped wilderness, the taxes were a whopping $1 per acre per year, for a lease price of only $108 per year, which remained for many years to come. These “pioneers” cleared and surveyed the property that is now the 600 yard rifle range. They even hand dug a well to have fresh water to drink. Shooters came from miles around and from other states to shoot on the range and hold matches. Some shooters even brought empty jugs to fill with the cold fresh water to take home with them. The well pipe is still there, but unfortunately due to vandalism, the well was abandoned. continue reading->