December 2024 Newsletter

The Dec. edition of the Cumberland newsletter has been posted on line.Please take time to read this newsletter, as there is a lot of work put into this, and a lot of good information.
Go to <> and you’ll see the drop-down menu in the green box in the upper right corner of the home page.There you will find the latest issue, plus a link to all of our on-line newsletters, dating back to June 2016.
I recently talked to one of our members, as I was taking my informal poll, trying to get an idea of actual readership of the newsletter, and he remarked as to how he always enjoyed the newsletter, but hasn’t gotten one in the mail in years.Now, if this guy was my age, I may forgive him, but that was not the case, by a long shot.So, please don’t be “that guy”.Access the newsletter, read it, take note of our advertisers, who deserve our patronage, and maybe even print it out.
The past editions also have a lot of information, interesting articles, and some humor thrown in, that would be worthwhile looking at again.You may be the next guy I ask about reading it !
Rob McKenzie