Month: June 2022


    There is a work detail on Thursday June 30, 2022 from 10Am till approximately 1pm. Anyone wishing to attend can do so. Please bring hand tools such as rakes etc. The range will be closed from 9am on this date till the completion of the work detail. Jim McGarry President CRI

  • Fwd: “URGENT ACTION NEED” New Legislation Contact every legislator

    WEDNESDAY: NJ ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE TO HEAR GOV’S BILL PACKAGE KILLING SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS Bans 2A Rights Inside Your Own Home! Bans Gun Ownership Until Age 21! Ammunition & Long Gun Registration! Firearms Industry-Killer Legislation! Double-Standard for New vs. Existing Residents! Please Tell Every NJ Lawmaker to Oppose Gov. Murphy’s Attack on Honest Gun Owners On…