Category: Uncategorized
December 2022 Newsletter
The December Newsletter is available !! Holiday Greetings to all current, and new, Cumberland members ! The newest edition of our informative newsletter is now posted and available for your reading pleasure. As always, there are updates from our various programs, timely information, some humor, and a very informative article on the hazards of lead,…
The entire range complex will be closed from Monday Dec. 5th to Saturday Dec. 10th for shotgun deer season. Please do not enter the range during the closure. Thanks Jim McGarry President CRI
Reminder there will be a work detail open to all members Thursday Oct 27th from 10am till we are done. Please bring hand tools. Thanks THE RANGE WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY OCT 27TH FOR THE WORK DETAIL. Jim McGarry President CRI
The range will be closed on Saturday October 22, 2022 for NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION. James McGarry President CRI
2022 Rules & Regulations
All members are advised that an updated Rules & Regulations document has been made available here. All members are expected to review and abide by these rules at all times.
2022 Dues Notice
” To the membership of the Cumberland Riflemen. This is a reminder that 2022-2023 Membership Dues should be paid by September 30, 2022, to get the new membership stickers sent to you. The amount due is $150.00 and will cover you until September 30, 2023. Go on our website ( ) to get the copy…
There is a work detail on Thursday June 30, 2022 from 10Am till approximately 1pm. Anyone wishing to attend can do so. Please bring hand tools such as rakes etc. The range will be closed from 9am on this date till the completion of the work detail. Jim McGarry President CRI
Fwd: “URGENT ACTION NEED” New Legislation Contact every legislator
WEDNESDAY: NJ ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE TO HEAR GOV’S BILL PACKAGE KILLING SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS Bans 2A Rights Inside Your Own Home! Bans Gun Ownership Until Age 21! Ammunition & Long Gun Registration! Firearms Industry-Killer Legislation! Double-Standard for New vs. Existing Residents! Please Tell Every NJ Lawmaker to Oppose Gov. Murphy’s Attack on Honest Gun Owners On…
Range Closure
The entire range complex will be closed this coming Thursday, May 5, 2022 from 9am to approximately 1pm for the Unspecified work detail. Jim McGarry President CRI
Work Detail Postponed
The unscheduled work detail set for Thursday March 24 has been postponed to April 7th, 2022. This is due to the weather reports this morning calling for heavy rain on Thursday. The range will be open on March 24th should you want to utilize it during that time. (In the rain) Jim McGarry President CRI